My creative side took control at the weekend when - upon realising that I don't have enough space in my wardrobe but still have nothing to wear - I decided that turning unwanted items into beautiful home furnishings would be a practical solution. Killing two birds with one stone (Prices are very high in Switzerland and I needed space in my wardrobe), I set about turning a raggy cashmere jumper and an ancient silk dress into cushions. The colours and textures of both garments, I thought, would contribute to the look I am aiming for in our sitting room. Creating a pretty flat is no easy task when you live where we do; but nobody wants to be the bad workman who blames his tools, so I am doing my best.
What started as a burst of rash, cheap purchases in Ikea (necessity upon arrival in Zurich with nothing; not knowing how long we would be staying) is slowly becoming more coherent. The picture frames and furniture will never match as I would like them to, as they were bought separately and without much thought. However, with the help of Country Living magazine and creative thinking on my part, I am slowly amassing a collection of pretty accessories that lend coherence. The cushions, I feel, will look beautiful set against the charming etching of a Puffa Fish we purchased on Mull (one of our more treasured pieces, it was created by Helen Mortley - ) and a dainty, pale blue heart (bought in French-inspired interiors shop L'Air du Sud, based in Horgen and Feldmeilen on Lake Zurich) I have hung over the corner of our grand, white mirror. And what's more, it gave me an excuse to spend an afternoon sewing - which frankly, I would be happy to get lost in all day every day. What a charming way to spend my time.